Whither India, Whither Youth
(Jointly published by the Confederation of Indian Universities and Confederation of Young Leaders in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Governance and Leadership)
This book running into more than four hundred pages has thirty-seven chapters dealing with all aspects of youth development with a view to optimizing their mind for making a New Young India at the earliest. The edited contents and analysis of the key issues discussed and explained in this edited Book will merit the consideration of International bodies, countries and their policy makers, planners and activists.

Lal Bahadur Shastri: A Real Nationalist from the Grassroots
(Jointly published by the Confederation of Indian Universities and Confederation of Young Leaders in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Governance and Leadership)
This unique book containing 49 chapters and running into more than 250 pages highlights the contribution of the great leader towards national development. The book discusses all facets of Former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri’s unique contribution for the welfare of the farmers besides bringing peace in the South Asian region by successfully achieving a victorious success in the 1965 war.

Foreign Policies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi
(Published by the National Institute of Diplomacy in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Governance and Leadership)
Indian foreign policy is in the throes of change, ever since Narendra Modi assumed charge as Prime Minister in 2014 riding a popular mandate. The promise of metamorphosing became evident at his swearing-in ceremony which saw the participation of SAARC head of state and since then paradigm shift in India’s foreign policy is in pace. The book discusses all facets of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s foreign policy fundamentals.